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Greenway Advisory Committee


When vacancies occur on the Greenway Advisory Committee (GAC), applicants are selected from the pool of those with current applications on file with the Mayor's Office.  If you are interested in serving, please review the application process.


The Greenway Advisory Committee shall identify, develop, review, and recommend selection criteria, general project priorities and specific actions relating to the expenditure and allocation of Greenway Levy Funds. The Committee shall work in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation Department staff per Council Ordinance 2006-09-096.

Typical Decisions

In its advisory capacity to City Staff, Administration and Council, the Committee considers recommendations and generates recommendations pertaining to:

  • City efforts to secure land and rights for open space, trails, and parks
  • Expenditure of Greenway Levy funds for purchase of property and for public improvements

In its work, the Committee operates using the following guidelines and policies:

Time Requirements

Meetings are typically held on the first Thursday of each month from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the Mayor's Board Room on the second floor of City Hall at 210 Lottie Street. Members are encouraged to spend additional time on Committee matters outside meeting hours.  See Meetings and Events for currently scheduled meetings.


The Committee shall consist of eleven members, appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by the Council. Such members shall be active in neighborhoods, urban habitat protection and restoration, use of trails, environmental education and land conservation. Each member shall be an elector of the City of Bellingham and a resident of the City of Bellingham for at least two (2) years prior to appointment to the committee. Appointments shall be for three-year terms, with a two-term limit.


Attendance Policy

Regular attendance at GAC meetings is very important for timely City purchase of property and for advising other City decision makers. Unexcused absence from more than two consecutive GAC meetings will result in termination of a member's appointment. Absence from more than four meetings for ANY reason in any one-year period will also result in termination of a member's appointment.

Attendance will be excused by calling the Greenway Program Coordinator. Calls should be made prior to the meeting. The Greenway Program Coordinator will maintain an attendance sheet for easy reference by all.


Main Office

Greenway Advisory Committee
Parks and Recreation Department
210 Lottie St
Bellingham, WA 98225

Phone: (360) 778-7000
E-mail: greenways@cob.org

