The Community Development Division has had a Home Rehabilitation Loan Program for over 40 years. This program uses HUD's Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG) to make necessary health and safety repairs to the homes of elderly homeowners, the disabled and low-income homeowners in Bellingham. For more information on this board, please visit BMC 2.96.
Typical Decisions
This board serves to offer technical advice to staff and to review each loan application based on the eligibility criteria described in the program guidelines. The applicant's financial situation and credit history, the condition of the structure and the recommendations of the staff members. They also advise and make recommendations to the rehab staff about changes in the Home Rehab loan application guidelines, administrative procedures and evaluation criteria.
Time Requirements
Meetings are typically on the third Tuesday of each month, at 3:30 PM in the Public Works Facilities / IT Conference Room in the basement of City Hall, 210 Lottie Street, Bellingham. Meetings usually last one to one and half hours.
The Home Rehab Program Loan Review Board (HRP LRB) may have up to nine members, but no less than seven. The mayor will appoint members to serve four-year terms, members may be reappointed. Members will be selected from the areas of social services, banking, neighborhoods, and the real estate and building industries.