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Lake Whatcom Watershed Advisory Board


The Watershed Advisory Board (WAB) provides citizen advice to the City regarding the protection, clean-up, and restoration of the Lake Whatcom reservoir and watershed. The WAB further advises on the acquisition and management of properties in the City's watershed land acquisition program.

With respect to property acquisition, the WAB and the City staff are guided by the baseline criteria adopted by Joint Resolution of the City, Whatcom County, and the Lake Whatcom Water and Sewer District, as well as upon consideration of the City of Bellingham Overlay Criteria adopted by the City Council. The WAB shall review the baseline criteria and recommend amendments to the City Council as appropriate.

Typical Decisions and Activities

  • Provide advice and input to the City staff regarding recommended land acquisitions in the Lake Whatcom Watershed.
  • Consult with and make recommendations to the City staff regarding policies for the management of the Lake Whatcom Reservoir and watershed.
  • Stay informed of various issues and activities that impact the Lake Whatcom Reservoir and watershed via City staff, County staff, and invited experts.
  • Write letters of support or dissent on issues affecting the Lake Whatcom Reservoir and watershed.

Board Meetings

July 23 meeting: The WAB will meet virtually from 7 to 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 23. The public is encouraged to attend. Please use this link​ to join the Zoom meeting at 7 p.m. 

The WAB typically meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at Public Works Engineering, Conference Rm. 102 [Federal Building 1st Floor] - 104 W Magnolia St. (view map);​ the public is encourag​ed to attend.     

The Board does not meet the month of December and August. ​

​​Directions to Public Works Engineering

When you reach Public Works Engineering (located in the Federal Building)​, enter the lobby, proceed to the left, and dial 5995 from the lobby phone​​​​​.

Directions via Bus or Bike: ​Several Whatcom Transportation Authority (WTA) bus routes serve the downtown area. Find your bus route using the online trip planner at www.ridewta.com. Or, find your bike ​route by visiting www.cob.org/bike

Driving Directions to Public Works Engineering Traveling North on I-5

  • ​Take exit 253 for Lakeway​ Drive
  • Turn right onto King St
  • Turn right onto Lakeway Dr
  • Continue on Lakeway which becomes Holly St
  • Turn right onto Commercial St
  • Turn right onto W Magnolia St to 104 W Magnolia

Driving Directions to Public Works Engineering Traveling South on I-5

  • Take exit 254 for Ohio St toward State St
  • Continue onto Ohio St
  • Turn left onto Cornwall Ave
  • Turn right onto W Champion St
  • Turn left onto W Magnolia St to 104 W Magnolia

Board Member Requirements

The Board shall consist of up to eleven members appointed by the Mayor. Appointments shall be for three-year terms, and a member may be reappointed. Members must be a Whatcom County resident for at least one year. Members are expected to attend all regular meetings. Members who miss excessive meetings without due cause may have their appointments automatically terminated by the Mayor. Please refer to the Bylaws and BMC 2.90 for more information.

Interested in Applying?

Applications for prospective Board members are available on the Boards and Commissions Application Process webpage. Selection of members of the WAB shall be made with due regard for diversity in all its forms to ensure full community representation and perspectives from a broad range of backgrounds and interests. Knowledge of lake, stream, and/or watershed processes is encouraged in prospective members. It is also recommended that prospective members review the resources located under the "Resources" section on this page.

The following are considered positive attributes for potential WAB member candidates:

  • Be willing and able to regularly attend monthly meetings;
  • Be willing and able to regularly attend other board meetings as an appointed liaison;
  • Be prepared for said meetings and provide appropriate and timely follow-up;
  • Always act as an advocate for all Bellingham citizens;
  • Keep an open mind during discussions;
  • Set-aside personal issues, agendas and disagreement;
  • Be considerate of others and other opinions.


Main Office

Lake Whatcom Watershed Advisory Board
Public Works Department / Natural Resources
104 W Magnolia ​St.
Bellingham, WA 98225

Phone: (360) 778-7800
E-mail: watershed@cob.org

